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More From Linawati Santoso

November 8, 2023 by Linawati Santoso (East Java, Indonesia)
Linawati Santoso and her sister Meliana

The cake from today’s devotion

“Don’t worry, this year you will have your birthday cake,” said my sister before April. I wondered how that could be because we did not have the budget to buy anything but our daily needs. She told me she would make a cake by herself. “I only need sweepotatoes and coconut,” she shared with a smile. This would be affordable because sweet potatoes and coconut were cheap. I still wondered how the cake would be and how it would taste, but when I saw the result, I cried, “Wow!” The cake was beautiful and delicious. I took picture and posted it on my social media accounts. Many friends responded with positive opinions on the cake.

We did not spend much money, but I was happy. For me, my birthday in April 2021 is unforgettable. As I wrote in my devotion, the experience made me realize that happiness is not dependent on money or wealth. This is why even when things weren’t going well for him, Habakkuk could say, “I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joyful in God my Savior” (see Hab. 3:17-18, NIV). The apostle Paul spoke similarly about rejoicing. He did not live in luxury, but he exhorts: “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!” (Phil. 4:4). Paul encourages us to be joyful in the Lord every day and made his life example for us. Even despite imprisonment, Paul was happy: “Because of my chains, most of the brothers and sisters have become confident in the Lord and dare all the more to proclaim the gospel without fear” (Phil. 1:14).

As I think about these scripture passages, I recall another situation that helped me realize that money and happiness are not related. An open lot in front of my house was built into home, and workers came every day to work on the house. They were not rich, but there were happy. Many times I heard them laughing loudly even though their work was very hard. They even sang songs, although they had to work under the heat of the sun and even in the rain.

It does not matter if we are not rich. We can still be happy because we have God, who loves and cares for us. God is our shepherd (see. Ps. 23:1). Therefore, even if we do not have much money, we will lack nothing. Today, let us release our worries and sadness, trusting God’s provision and being joyful in the Lord.

God bless us.

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Image by: Guy MOLL