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More from Chris Baldauf

August 30, 2024 by Chris Baldauf (Louisiana, USA)

Prayer is an awesome form of communication. An emotional direct-line to the Big Guy—our CEO or, as I prefer, Dad. I can call him anytime, day or night. It’s okay. I’m not disturbing him.

Growing up, I always prayed to God the Father. When we moved to the South, people talked about having a “personal relationship” with Jesus. This felt awkward to me, like I was missing something, until I thought of praying to Jesus like talking to my brother. Over time, our relationship has grown and I now turn to him and the Father.

Over the past decade, I’ve enlarged my prayer contact list to include the Spirit. My spiritual life has grown, as well as my family. I never had a sister, so my Holy Sister Spirit has become my confidant. She gives me comfort and guidance, the female side of my Lord and Savior.

When my prayers are about relationships, my words, or making decisions, I call my Holy Sister for direction. If it’s prayers for healing and protection, I contact my big brother, Jesus. When it’s about awe, thanksgiving, and gratitude, I lean in to my Father. This has become my family of choice. Just a prayer away, they can become yours, too.

Blessings, Chris
— In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.

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Image by: Guy MOLL