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More from Daniel Bollinger

October 19, 2024 by Daniel Bollinger (Missouri, USA)

Those tools mentioned in the devotion have not collected dust. At the time of writing the devotional, my wife and I were doing interior home improvement projects. Now more recently we have created small tables, carved bowls, spoons, and longbows, and have crafted other projects. We enjoy creating useful items, especially spoons (see attached pictures). I hope sharing these pictures might encourage others to create unique items. Just remember what you create may not turn out perfect. And that is all right, because God created each of us with unique traits. Use whatever tools and skill sets you have been provided with to build God’s kingdom no matter where you are—at home, in your community, or traveling the world. As the saying goes ,“Bloom where you are planted.”

Not long after writing the devotion, I expanded it into a homily which I used for a lay speaking event at our local church. The message was received well. I have turned other devotionals into homilies too. I couldn’t have written these devotionals without God guiding my heart, hands, and thoughts. As Paul often did in the New Testament, I also encourage you, friends, if you feel called, to write a devotion because you never know who may be impacted by the message God wants to present to others through your words, thoughts, or actions.

God Bless you all and thanks for reading,


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Image by: Guy MOLL