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More from Jenny Calvert

October 23, 2017 by Jenny Calvert (Texas)
Taken Oct. 1993 right after we moved. Clockwise from the back is Stephen, Jimmy, Sarah, Jonathan, Jenny and husband John.

In 1993, the year that my husband John,and I, with four of our five children, moved from Missouri to Texas (Southwest Houston area), was the year of the historical flooding of the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers. I remember vividly, flying to Houston to look for a home. When our plane got into the air, we had a perfect view of the water. It was everywhere. It looked more like one lake, instead of two rivers. My heart felt as full as those banks of water, very heavy. All my life I had lived in St. Louis, and nearby Franklin County. I had all my family there, and also a wonderful church family. I didn’t know how I could pry myself away, but this was where the Lord was leading us.

Now it is 24 years later, and we are still in Texas. God has blessed us, right here where we are, and I have grown to appreciate the beauty that the South offers. We have green nearly year round. We have moss hanging from some trees, and we have tall Palm Trees that sway in the wind. There are always flowers, and the beautiful Live Oaks with branches that bend nearly to the ground, are a wonder to behold.

My children are now all grown with families of their own. Some live near us, and some far away. We now have 12 grandchildren. Since this meditation was written, God has blessed us with a new baby girl. We also have a wonderful church family here and have developed friendships. We still visit Missouri as often as we are able, and I am always in awe of the beautiful rolling hills, but Texas is now our home, unless God decides to move us elsewhere.

Thanksgiving – This is the entire family with spouses and children. Since this picture was taken they have an addition of one more grandchild.

God is also using us for His work, right here where we live. He impressed upon me to start writing meditations over a year ago. I submitted some to The Upper Room, a periodical of meditations written by regular people like me, from all over the world.  I have enjoyed these readings for many years. When one was accepted, I was elated, feeling as if I was truly obeying God’s call. Soon I was approached by the editor of Daily Prayer, Mason Barge, to be a contributing writer on his website for the daily inspiration. This confirmed God’s calling. The website is: dailyprayer.us under the link Daily Inspiration. I also started a blog page, and I asked several ladies to join me in praying, and getting the message of Christ out to others. The link to that is: libertyladiesdevotional.blogspot.com.

Yes, God has blessed us right here where we are. I know now that even if God would move us to some other place, He will be right there with us, never leaving our side. There is a saying that goes, “Home is where the heart is.” The location of our address is inconsequential. Since God resides in our heart, I guess you can say, we are always home.

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Image by: Guy MOLL