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Sight Psalms is a daily, online, photo inspiration intended to help people reflect on God’s presence in the world and in their lives through the use of images. Each day, a new photograph is posted to evoke reflection and inspiration within themes connected to the Christian year, and it is usually accompanied by a few words.

Respect Our Photographers

We do not own photographs featured in Sight Psalms but benefit from the generosity of contributing photographers who maintain their full rights. Enjoy and share these photographic meditations only through this site.

Submit a Sight Psalm

Anyone can submit a photograph to be considered for inclusion in Sight Psalms.

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Latest images


September 24, 2016

We are all gifted with talemts from God to be shared for the greater good of our community.

Photo by Beverly Shamana


September 23, 2016

We can show God’s love by helping others even in our weakness.

Photo by Allen Butte


September 22, 2016

When I am distracted by the sights and sounds of the world today, help me to follow your way, O God.

Photo by Joyce Carrasco


September 21, 2016

We can count on God, especially when we leap.

Photo by Jane Allen Middleton


September 20, 2016

Where is God calling me to serve today?

Photo by Dennis Reagan


September 19, 2016

God asks us to take love and justice more seriously than we take ourselves.

Photo by Keith Honeyman


September 18, 2016

We give thanks for artists, musicians, writers, and all those who create opportunities to engage in the world with our senses.

Photo by Nancy Kruh


September 17, 2016

O God, help me to see clearly the way to serve you today.

Photo by Susan Ruach


September 16, 2016

Resurrection gives hope in the face of death.

Photo by Denise McGuiness


September 15, 2016

When life is viewed through eyes of faith, it is often different from what we see on life’s obvious surface.

Photo by Sharon Brown Christopher